Saturday, December 12, 2015

Fish Who Answer the Telephone

In 1937 Yury Petrovich Frolov conducted a scientific experiment to see if fish could hear. He used a ringing telephone. Of course, the experiment concluded that fish can hear. He recorded his findings and published a book. The title: Fish Who Answer the Telephone. I haven't yet read the book, so I can't officially review it. What I can do is speculate that a book with this title could be much more interesting with a different subject matter, so I present to you a short excerpt of Fish Who Answer the Telephone: A Fiction Novel.

"I was asleep when the phone began ringing. The day had been long, so I hesitated getting out of bed. It stopped after the third ring. Relieved, I rolled over to finish the night's sleep. That's when I heard talking in the living room. It was nothing more than a soft murmur but I was the only person in the house. I got out of bed and slowly creeped down the hallway toward the voice. It sounded like a one sided conversation, but I couldn't make out exact words. At the doorway to the living room I poked my head in, but it was too dark to see. I flipped on the light. My beta fish looked at me, held out the phone, and said, 'Hey Jon, it's for you.'"

Do any of you guys have thoughts or a different story? Let me know in the comments how you think this book should go.

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