About Box of Bizarro

Box of Bizarro is dedicated to the genre of bizarro. We are not only distributing fun items and good reads to great people, we are also promoting authors in a world where every little bit of promotion helps. If you would like to help out these authors as well, like our Facebook page, share our posts, and get your own Box of Bizarro. Take part in the contests to win your own. Check out "How To Win" page for each month's rules. We will be offering them for sale after the initial six month give away period. There will be offered as one box on demand or as a subscription service. The subscription service will have multiple options of content for a flexible price range. We will hav something for everyone. If you have any questions, suggestions, or opinions, be sure to leave a comment or send me an email.

My name is William Box. I am married, I have two children, and I live in Memphis. I have been in the bizarro scene as a reader and consumer since 2011. I started writing bizarro-esque stories in 2012. It has gone for the most part unpublished- not from getting rejected, but from not submitting. I wanted to find my bizarre voice before putting my work out. I refuse to be just another writer.

Here I am now. My voice is not a whisper, but a yell, demanding to be heard. My first published bizarro work is Cook Read Digest, a chapbook with three flash fiction stories available on Amazon. Its goal: to exhibit my first public appearance; an appetizer for the main course.

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